Not to be confused (as it often is) with the Annunciation, which is the conception of Jesus, today we celebrate the immaculate conception of Mary, conceived without sin; the moment when she was conceived in her mother, Saint Anne.
Why celebrate the conception of this little girl, Mary?
This day points us beyond this sweet, humble girl of Nazareth to the power of Divine Love and its ability to redeem, transform, and carry out the most marvelous deeds in those who are humble and open. Christ's redemption of humanity from all sin shines forth in full splendor in Mary of Nazareth, who God redeemed in advance. She becomes a beacon for all of us of what redeemed humanity looks like, and then leads in her example of how to continuously respond to that grace and live a life full of grace and cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
I remember being a Carmelite Sister and hearing this mystery explained as simply as this: if there is a mud puddle in the middle of the road that everyone is falling into (which in this case represents sin, and in which all of us fall), God redeems us by pulling us forth from that mud and cleansing us. With Mary, however, God chose to redeem her in advance by keeping her from falling in altogether. Perhaps my simple heart is drawn to simple explanations, but this is one way to better understand this "immaculate conception", Mary being born without sin.
Again, this feast day and meditating on these mysteries are intended to be an inspiration to our own hearts. God has given us the model of what full redemption and the fullness of grace and glory in humanity can look like in the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the model, our guide, and our Mother.
Here are some words from the Saints (mainly just Pope Saint John Paul II) on the Immaculate Conception:
“Today we contemplate the humble girl of Nazareth who, by an extraordinary and ineffable privilege, was preserved from the contagion of original sin and from every fault, so that she could be a worthy dwelling-place for the Incarnate Word. In Mary, the New Eve, Mother of the New Adam, the Father’s original, wondrous plan of love was re-established in an even more wondrous way. Therefore the Church gratefully acclaims: “Through you, immaculate Virgin, the life we had lost was returned to us. You received a child from heaven, and brought forth to the world a Saviour” (Liturgy of the Hours, Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday, Benedictus Antiphon).”
Pope Saint John Paul II
“Today the Church is celebrating the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. If Christ is the day that never fades, Mary is its dawn, shining with beauty. Chosen in advance to be the Mother of the incarnate Word, Mary is at the same time the first-fruits of his redeeming action. The grace of Christ the Redeemer acted in her in anticipation, preserving her from original sin and from any contagion of guilt.”
Pope Saint John Paul II
“This important Marian feast occurs during Advent, a season of watchful and prayerful preparation for Christmas. She who knew better than anyone how to wait attentively for the Lord guides us and shows us how to make more vital and active our journey to the Holy Night of Bethlehem. With her, we spend these weeks in prayer and, guided by her bright star, hasten to make the spiritual journey that will lead us to celebrate the mystery of the Incarnation with greater intensity.”
Pope Saint John Paul II
“Since she is the sure means, the direct and immaculate way to Jesus and the perfect guide to him, it is through her that souls who are to shine forth in sanctity must find him. He who finds Mary finds life, that is, Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life.”
Saint Louis de Montfort